Distant Reiki Treatments

Georgina Watts Distant Reiki

Treatment Prices  

1 hour Distant Reiki   - £35 

30 minute Distant Reiki - £20

4 x 1 hour Distant Reiki - £130

What to expect. . .

Contact Georgina and book a mutually convenient time. Georgina will send you a brief confidential form asking for your contact details and information relating to your general health and wellbeing. This will enable Georgina to understand the reasons for treatment and your expectations. Prepare a comfortable area at your home where you will not be disturbed during your session. You may like to lie down with a blanket, soft lighting and music. Georgina will message you to make sure you are ready at the start of the session and will contact you again at the end.

During lockdown in 2020 it was not possible to give face to face Reiki and until the doors at Roundwood were reopened Georgina solely offered Distant Healing or Remote Reiki treatments. Comforting Reiki was sent by Georgina from Roundwood to the client at their home. The client received the full benefit of the Reiki energy without any physical contact. You may still choose this option.

During a distant healing session Georgina prepares a calm space at her home with candles, essential oils in a burner, music and often fresh flowers from the garden at Roundwood. After receiving a text message from the client saying they are ready, Georgina connects to Reiki energy and then focuses on the client. She then allows Reiki to flow to them.

The client at home may experience the treatment in a similar way to a hands on treatment in the Reiki room. They may feel tingling, heat or coolness, slight sensations of pressure and releasing of pressure as the Reiki energy moves through their body. Ideas and images may come to mind and they may see colours behind their closed eyelids. As in a treatment where they are physically present in the room, they may not have any of these feelings but most people notice a sensation of deep calm, comfort and relaxation.

At the end of the treatment Georgina will contact the client and give any feedback of images or sensations she experienced during the session. There is an opportunity for the client to give their feedback and ask any questions they may have.

The client may notice a feeling of lightness, release and contentment, either immediately or gradually over a few hours or days. It is possible in a few cases that clients may notice a temporary increase in the symptoms that brought them to the Reiki session, or they may feel slightly unwell. This is why Georgina recommends drinking lots of water, resting and why she contacts you after a few days by which time any discomfort should have passed.

Please be aware that Reiki may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions like epilepsy. If you are unwell, recieving medical treatment and unsure if Reiki is for you, please consult your GP or call Georgina who will be happy to advise you. 

I had a high speed skiing accident which damaged my left knee. I am a Pilates Instructor and my teaching depends on my ability to demonstrate exercises. A few treatments with Georgina helped with the swelling and mobility allowing me to get back to work quickly.
— Jacquie T.
My experience of Reiki with Georgina is one of tranquility and has helped me greatly on my life’s journey
— Sue C.

Booking a Treatment


If you would like to book a treatment or have any questions about Reiki, please get in touch with Georgina via georgina@roundwoodwellbeing.co.uk  alternatively please use the form below.